英文名稱: International Human Resource Management ;
授課目的: This course aims to develop students’ in-depth understanding of human resource management in the international sphere. IHRM will be examining the opportunities and challenges as well as culture that shape organizations in responding to environmental complexities. Human resource principles, policy, practices, and activities related to HRM functions and issues regarding job design, recruiting, selection and staffing, training and development, performance management, career planning, compensation, employment;
教學模式: Focus on issue/case discussions and lectures; self-reflections, and active engagements are highly;
成績計算方式: 1. Group Journal Article Presentation: 30%
2. Individual Midterm Term: 30%
3. Individual Final Presentation: 30%
4. Class Participation + Learning Attitude: 10%
開課教師: 陳媛玲 助理教授 (yuanling@niu.edu.tw);
授課目的: This course aims to develop students’ in-depth understanding of human resource management in the international sphere. IHRM will be examining the opportunities and challenges as well as culture that shape organizations in responding to environmental complexities. Human resource principles, policy, practices, and activities related to HRM functions and issues regarding job design, recruiting, selection and staffing, training and development, performance management, career planning, compensation, employment;
教學模式: Focus on issue/case discussions and lectures; self-reflections, and active engagements are highly;
成績計算方式: 1. Group Journal Article Presentation: 30%
2. Individual Midterm Term: 30%
3. Individual Final Presentation: 30%
4. Class Participation + Learning Attitude: 10%
開課教師: 陳媛玲 助理教授 (yuanling@niu.edu.tw);
- 教師: 陳 媛玲
英文名稱: International Business Communication ;
授課目的: 通過採用特殊用途英語 (ESP) 方法,學生具備英語課堂的學術技能,同時還提供相關的語言培訓以確保專業成功。;
教學模式: 課程教授搭配電腦;
成績計算方式: 分組報告: 40%
開課教師: 楊子儀 副教授 (tyyang@niu.edu.tw);
授課目的: 通過採用特殊用途英語 (ESP) 方法,學生具備英語課堂的學術技能,同時還提供相關的語言培訓以確保專業成功。;
教學模式: 課程教授搭配電腦;
成績計算方式: 分組報告: 40%
開課教師: 楊子儀 副教授 (tyyang@niu.edu.tw);
- 教師: 楊 子儀
英文名稱: Business Analysis and Diagnosis ;
授課目的: 企業分析與診斷 解釋不同數值代表什麼意義?如何影響公司的決策?以及如何反映企業的健康水平?;
教學模式: 課程教授及應用教授所學診斷及分析公司健康狀況;
成績計算方式: 作業: 20%
平時表現: 40%
開課教師: 楊子儀 副教授 (tyyang@niu.edu.tw);
授課目的: 企業分析與診斷 解釋不同數值代表什麼意義?如何影響公司的決策?以及如何反映企業的健康水平?;
教學模式: 課程教授及應用教授所學診斷及分析公司健康狀況;
成績計算方式: 作業: 20%
平時表現: 40%
開課教師: 楊子儀 副教授 (tyyang@niu.edu.tw);
- 教師: 楊 子儀
英文名稱: Cross-Cultural Business Communication ;
授課目的: This course is designed to introduce students to the intracultural and intercultural issues. This course entails issues in globalization and international linkages, the political, legal, and technological environment, meanings and dimensions of culture, managing across cultures, organizational behaviors, and human resource management s across cultures, etc.;
教學模式: 1. Lectures are guided by tutorials and group discussion.
2. Students are required to present on a particular issue or journal articles in group-based approach.
成績計算方式: 1. Mid-term Exam: 20%
2. In-class Journal Article Presentations: 30%
3. Take Home Final: 30%
4. Class Participation + Attitude of Learning: 20%
開課教師: 陳媛玲 助理教授 (yuanling@niu.edu.tw);
授課目的: This course is designed to introduce students to the intracultural and intercultural issues. This course entails issues in globalization and international linkages, the political, legal, and technological environment, meanings and dimensions of culture, managing across cultures, organizational behaviors, and human resource management s across cultures, etc.;
教學模式: 1. Lectures are guided by tutorials and group discussion.
2. Students are required to present on a particular issue or journal articles in group-based approach.
成績計算方式: 1. Mid-term Exam: 20%
2. In-class Journal Article Presentations: 30%
3. Take Home Final: 30%
4. Class Participation + Attitude of Learning: 20%
開課教師: 陳媛玲 助理教授 (yuanling@niu.edu.tw);
- 教師: 陳 媛玲
英文名稱: English Communication and MICE Industry ;
授課目的: This course is aimed at familiarizing students with the specific English used for MICE industry through studying the professional textbook materials. With the learning of professional terms and knowledge, the students are able to get more chances of commercial exchanges in the global market in any related sectors. ;
教學模式: Lecturing and Group Discussion;
成績計算方式: 出席率: 20%
課堂禮貌與課堂參與: 40%
mid-term and final exams: 40%;
開課教師: 高珮文 助理教授 (pwkao@niu.edu.tw);
授課目的: This course is aimed at familiarizing students with the specific English used for MICE industry through studying the professional textbook materials. With the learning of professional terms and knowledge, the students are able to get more chances of commercial exchanges in the global market in any related sectors. ;
教學模式: Lecturing and Group Discussion;
成績計算方式: 出席率: 20%
課堂禮貌與課堂參與: 40%
mid-term and final exams: 40%;
開課教師: 高珮文 助理教授 (pwkao@niu.edu.tw);
- 教師: 高 珮文