英文名稱: English II ;
授課目的: The objective of this general English course is to improve EFL students’ academic reading skills through the practice of grammar and vocabulary enrichment, reading comprehension strategies, and critical thinking skill development. By the end of this course, students will be able to apply reading skills to comprehend, analyze, interpret, and evaluate reading passages or articles at an intermediate level of difficulty. In order to reach this goal, students will engage in a variety of activities.;
教學模式: 課堂講解、閱讀練習、課堂討論、數位英語論壇、學習單練習、口頭報告、考試、多媒體英語學習軟體自學系統練習等;
成績計算方式: (教師會依實際情況略作調整)
單元考 30% (無故缺席不得補考)
出席 20% (遲到十五分鐘以曠課論)
作業 20%
期中考 15%
期末考 15% ;
開課教師: 余薈槿 講師 (hcyu@niu.edu.tw);
授課目的: The objective of this general English course is to improve EFL students’ academic reading skills through the practice of grammar and vocabulary enrichment, reading comprehension strategies, and critical thinking skill development. By the end of this course, students will be able to apply reading skills to comprehend, analyze, interpret, and evaluate reading passages or articles at an intermediate level of difficulty. In order to reach this goal, students will engage in a variety of activities.;
教學模式: 課堂講解、閱讀練習、課堂討論、數位英語論壇、學習單練習、口頭報告、考試、多媒體英語學習軟體自學系統練習等;
成績計算方式: (教師會依實際情況略作調整)
單元考 30% (無故缺席不得補考)
出席 20% (遲到十五分鐘以曠課論)
作業 20%
期中考 15%
期末考 15% ;
開課教師: 余薈槿 講師 (hcyu@niu.edu.tw);
- 教師: 余 薈槿