英文名稱: Asian American Cultural and Literary Studies ;
授課目的: This course is aimed at introducing students with the socio-historical and cultural contexts of Asian Americans and literary self-expressions of Asian-American writers from mainly Chinese, Japanese, and Indian descents. We will begin the class by examining the race stereotypes about Asians in American popular culture. Then we will go through the literary works of Asian-American writers who strive to recreate their self-images and redefine their cultural identity as well as racial agency.;
教學模式: Lectures, Group Discussions, Group Presentations;
成績計算方式: Mid-term Exam: 35%
Final Exam: 35%
Attendance: 10%
Class Participation: 20%;
開課教師: 高珮文 助理教授 (pwkao@niu.edu.tw);