英文名稱: English Oral Practice I ;
授課目的: Objective
Students will be able to conduct functional English-language conversations in international settings and make brief extemporaneous oral presentations as required in standardised tests.

Eric H Roth and Toni Aberson
Compelling Conversations: Questions and Quotations on Timeless Topics
Los Angeles: Chimayo Press, 2008 (available as an e-book)
ISBN-13: 978-0-9826-1780-9

教學模式: Grade Calculation
Grades depend on class attendance and participation (40%), the midterm examination (20%) and the final examination (40%).

Attendance and Participation
Attendance and participation is required. Participation includes engagement in conversations and activities, securing of required course materials, and preparation of class assignments.

Students who miss more than 5 classes have forfeited the class experience. They receive a failing grade for the course and do not take midterm or final e;
成績計算方式: Grades depend on class attendance and participation (40%), the midterm oral examination (20%) and the final examination (40%).;
開課教師: 唐博敦(Alton Thompson) 教學型專案助理教授 (thompson@niu.edu.tw);