
英文名稱: English I ;
授課目的: Students will gain English-language and critical thinking skills sufficient to enable the sharing of information internationally via written essays. The course will provide practice with the ways these skills are evaluated in standardised tests such as TOEFL.;
教學模式: The primary activities encompass reading and discussion (oral and written) of readings. Exercises give students practice in new skills. Class collaboration is enabled through the week via the Line messaging application. Students are encouraged to follow their own interests in mastering vocabulary, as these choices are likely to reflect their future activities. The pace of the course as shown on the schedule may be adjusted to meet student needs.;
成績計算方式: 詳細課程大綱請以第一週上課所發放為準
開課教師: 唐博敦(Alton Thompson) 教學型專案助理教授 (thompson@niu.edu.tw);