英文名稱: Seminar in English for Cultural & Creative Industry ;
授課目的: 本課程的目標是使學員從宏觀層面把握文化創意產業崛起的社會、政治和經濟背景,從宏觀層面分析文化創意產業的組織、運作和影響。 批判的觀點,以及產業與城市和地方發展的關係。 他們之間的互動。;
教學模式: 不同期刋的文章;
成績計算方式: 類別百分比
包括出席、參與討論、口頭報告和書面總結表現等 50%
中期任務:文化創意產業案例分析 20%
以文化創意產業和地方或城市發展為主題的研究論文必須以經驗材料為基礎,並適當應用本課程中提到的概念。 經驗現象可位於台灣或其他;
開課教師: 楊子儀 副教授 (tyyang@niu.edu.tw);
授課目的: 本課程的目標是使學員從宏觀層面把握文化創意產業崛起的社會、政治和經濟背景,從宏觀層面分析文化創意產業的組織、運作和影響。 批判的觀點,以及產業與城市和地方發展的關係。 他們之間的互動。;
教學模式: 不同期刋的文章;
成績計算方式: 類別百分比
包括出席、參與討論、口頭報告和書面總結表現等 50%
中期任務:文化創意產業案例分析 20%
以文化創意產業和地方或城市發展為主題的研究論文必須以經驗材料為基礎,並適當應用本課程中提到的概念。 經驗現象可位於台灣或其他;
開課教師: 楊子儀 副教授 (tyyang@niu.edu.tw);
- Teacher: 楊 子儀
英文名稱: Seminar in International Marketing Management ;
授課目的: Study of the conceptual foundations and practices of contemporary marketing as well as the planning, implementation, and control of the marketing function. Topics include situation analysis; marketing objectives; target marker selection; and product, promotion, pricing, and physical distribution decisions.
To improve students’ understanding of marketing management, and its applications. Students will first cover key topics in marketing, and then apply that knowledge.
教學模式: PPT and Textbook Discusses、Oral Report and Group Project;
成績計算方式: Participation、Presentation、Group Paper:30%
Mid-term Project:35%
Final Project:35%
開課教師: 楊子儀 副教授 (tyyang@niu.edu.tw);
授課目的: Study of the conceptual foundations and practices of contemporary marketing as well as the planning, implementation, and control of the marketing function. Topics include situation analysis; marketing objectives; target marker selection; and product, promotion, pricing, and physical distribution decisions.
To improve students’ understanding of marketing management, and its applications. Students will first cover key topics in marketing, and then apply that knowledge.
教學模式: PPT and Textbook Discusses、Oral Report and Group Project;
成績計算方式: Participation、Presentation、Group Paper:30%
Mid-term Project:35%
Final Project:35%
開課教師: 楊子儀 副教授 (tyyang@niu.edu.tw);
- Teacher: 楊 子儀
英文名稱: International Business Strategy ;
授課目的: International Business Strategy is designed to introduce students to strategic management concepts and theories as well as the case studies. Students will learn how to evaluate industry evolution and business practices in such a way that sustainable competitive advantages are built, business strategies are formulated, and organizational missions and objectives are aligned. Furthermore, students will develop a sophisticated basis on accumulating the research and inquiry capabilities as well as for evaluati;
教學模式: Lectures, practice and exercises, pair and group work;
成績計算方式: 1. Class Preparation and Participation (10%)
2. Discussion-lead presentations (20%)
3. Weekly Critiques of assigned readings (30%)
4. Midterm (20%)
5. Final Exam (20%)
開課教師: 陳媛玲 助理教授 (yuanling@niu.edu.tw);
授課目的: International Business Strategy is designed to introduce students to strategic management concepts and theories as well as the case studies. Students will learn how to evaluate industry evolution and business practices in such a way that sustainable competitive advantages are built, business strategies are formulated, and organizational missions and objectives are aligned. Furthermore, students will develop a sophisticated basis on accumulating the research and inquiry capabilities as well as for evaluati;
教學模式: Lectures, practice and exercises, pair and group work;
成績計算方式: 1. Class Preparation and Participation (10%)
2. Discussion-lead presentations (20%)
3. Weekly Critiques of assigned readings (30%)
4. Midterm (20%)
5. Final Exam (20%)
開課教師: 陳媛玲 助理教授 (yuanling@niu.edu.tw);
- Teacher: 陳 媛玲
英文名稱: Internship III ;
授課目的: ;
教學模式: ;
成績計算方式: ;
開課教師: 外語碩各教師 講師 ();
授課目的: ;
教學模式: ;
成績計算方式: ;
開課教師: 外語碩各教師 講師 ();
英文名稱: Internship II ;
授課目的: ;
教學模式: ;
成績計算方式: ;
開課教師: 外語碩各教師 講師 ();
授課目的: ;
教學模式: ;
成績計算方式: ;
開課教師: 外語碩各教師 講師 ();
英文名稱: Internship I ;
授課目的: ;
教學模式: ;
成績計算方式: ;
開課教師: 外語碩各教師 講師 ();
授課目的: ;
教學模式: ;
成績計算方式: ;
開課教師: 外語碩各教師 講師 ();
英文名稱: English for Meetings ;
授課目的: This course aims to build up their students’ fluency and confidence via using skills and language they need to participate in a meeting. Students will learn the techniques and strategies to help them communicate in business meetings, using appropriate vocabulary, key expressions, and phrases for formal and informal meetings in a flexible approach.;
教學模式: Lectures, practice and exercises, pair and group work;
成績計算方式: 1. Mid-term Exams and Final Examination: 50%
2. In-class activities: 30%
3. Attendance: 10%
4. Homework: 10%
開課教師: 陳媛玲 助理教授 (yuanling@niu.edu.tw);
授課目的: This course aims to build up their students’ fluency and confidence via using skills and language they need to participate in a meeting. Students will learn the techniques and strategies to help them communicate in business meetings, using appropriate vocabulary, key expressions, and phrases for formal and informal meetings in a flexible approach.;
教學模式: Lectures, practice and exercises, pair and group work;
成績計算方式: 1. Mid-term Exams and Final Examination: 50%
2. In-class activities: 30%
3. Attendance: 10%
4. Homework: 10%
開課教師: 陳媛玲 助理教授 (yuanling@niu.edu.tw);
- Teacher: 陳 媛玲
英文名稱: English Communication and MICE Industry ;
授課目的: This course is designed for the graduate students of the Program of International Business and Communication. There are two course objectives. One is to train their English proficiency, particularly oral communication. The other is to equip them with the professional knowledge of the MICE industry. The two course objectives are tightly conducive to their workplace skills, which requires both communication skill and general knowledge for the service sectors.;
教學模式: Lecturing and Group Discussion;
成績計算方式: 出席率: 20%
課堂禮貌與課堂參與: 40%
mid-term and final exams: 40%;
開課教師: 高珮文 副教授 (pwkao@niu.edu.tw);
授課目的: This course is designed for the graduate students of the Program of International Business and Communication. There are two course objectives. One is to train their English proficiency, particularly oral communication. The other is to equip them with the professional knowledge of the MICE industry. The two course objectives are tightly conducive to their workplace skills, which requires both communication skill and general knowledge for the service sectors.;
教學模式: Lecturing and Group Discussion;
成績計算方式: 出席率: 20%
課堂禮貌與課堂參與: 40%
mid-term and final exams: 40%;
開課教師: 高珮文 副教授 (pwkao@niu.edu.tw);
- Teacher: 高 珮文