英文名稱: Business Analysis and Diagnosis ;
授課目的: Business Analysis and Diagnosis explores the concepts, principles, and frameworks of enterprises by investigating and analyzing the organizational structure, resources and capabilities, and strategic positioning. This course aims to guide students to develop business analytical skills as well as to determine the appropriate strategy, phases, and components to be involved in an enterprise diagnosis.;
教學模式: Focus on issues/cases discussions; active participation are highly expected and encouraged.;
成績計算方式: 1. Participation and Engagement: 40%
2. Final Case Competitions: 30%
3. Written Critics: 30%
開課教師: 陳媛玲 助理教授 (yuanling@niu.edu.tw);
授課目的: Business Analysis and Diagnosis explores the concepts, principles, and frameworks of enterprises by investigating and analyzing the organizational structure, resources and capabilities, and strategic positioning. This course aims to guide students to develop business analytical skills as well as to determine the appropriate strategy, phases, and components to be involved in an enterprise diagnosis.;
教學模式: Focus on issues/cases discussions; active participation are highly expected and encouraged.;
成績計算方式: 1. Participation and Engagement: 40%
2. Final Case Competitions: 30%
3. Written Critics: 30%
開課教師: 陳媛玲 助理教授 (yuanling@niu.edu.tw);
- 教師: 陳 媛玲